- Hey, I'll be in Pittsburgh tonight
- I thought I had a neat idea there with "let's abolish morality"
- Happy Weirdsmas!
- People vs. our memories of them
- I'd sort of like to remember what my life is like now.
- Poetry from the Dream World
- Christmas songs that are allowed.
- Nothing bad ever happens ever.
- What's your phone number?
- Well, that was surprisingly easy.
- I am not such a fan of procrastination.
- Why the big suit?
- Words words words
- Attention is the new money
- Snow snow snow snow snow
- Dairy is magic
- I like fall and chilliness and apples and universities and wind.
- Might as well call me Charlie, 'cause I'm Chapelin'
- Experiments with anger
- Cross posting my programming blog whoa yeah
- Music post music post
- There are no bastards.
- I cannot get started today
- Interesting thoughts on the way to work:
- Phone anti-phone ads
- Let me be the first
- Excerpts from the Dream Journal, or, Mining my subconscious for our mutual amusement.
- While I was grouching about things you can't talk about
- Wooo, someone else is standing up for the hipsters:
- Things you can't blog sometimes
- Fun
- Beertable, or, I will not pay honest money for furniture, dammit
- I don't think I can title this post better than:
- Cult of the Individual much?
- My scanner is not goddamn functional.
- Meditation and money, a year later
- things you do at Burning Man, reasons it was wonderful, and reasons I'm not going next year.
- T minus nine hours, plus eleven grants.
- Another day, another two grand truths I have to keep reminding myself
- Internet round up
- Microlending, Moderate giving, and Megasaving
- Shampooconomics
- Oh, HERE's what I've been doing wrong:
- News is unfair, pop songs are awkward, and P probably doesn't equal NP.
- "Managing Things"
- The blog post I wish I'd written about the valedictory speech I wish I'd given
- Wow, this dream thing is getting more fun already...
- Is cooking hard?
- I wish dreams would become the new zombies
- I'm going to create a false dichotomy
- Trying things out: how long is long enough?
- I'm starting three new blogs.
- Blog crumbs
- Apple apple apple apple apple google google apple microsoft apple apple
- Another thing about donations
- The best acronym you've come across since, check it out, ever:
- Daniel challenged me to name the best song of each decade
- Oh geez, Lebron frigging James
- I stub my toe a lot on my vibram five fingers
- I just have a lot of ideas
- Blogging for the sake of blogging
- As I sit down to close out this brilliant weekend,
- Things that make me say:
- On a kick again
- Meta-social-network-problem
- Self-control (again)
- Ever had sleep paralysis?
- Androidespair
- More thoughts about Thailand
- One of my "someday" projects:
- Let's start unpacking this trip now
- Bangkok is stained, and it's not my fault
- Whistle Weasel, or APP THE SECOND
- Do you couchsurf?
- Facebook, you're done.
- New Busy
- Two nights ago, I was in Leh
- Children International Again.
- More Musics
- Webcomics Top Three
- Let's do a music post
- "Is it a Party?" LIVE in the App Store!
- Why everyone always loses at gambling
- And... my first mobile app ever is live.
- Wait for it...
- So, do you ... design stuff?
- Take 10 seconds to help me out. This is not even an online petition or survey.
- When I finish this post I am going to hit "Enter" with such a flourish...
- A thought about Happiness by way of Math Contests
- Oh snap, No Impact Man!
- Call me Thomas Jefferson?
- I tracked my happiness.
- Happy Lent!
- How much is your friendship worth?
- A talk by Shinzen Young, about which I am all jazzed
- Flat hunting
- DST is surprisingly complicated when you look at it in detail.
- Vive le Suisse?
- I'm moving, but by god I'm staying in the same neighborhood.
- I think what happened is the Belgian beer absorbed all my confusion and floated away.
- Really? I'm a... ?
- The Life Pursuit, and this is not about Belle and Sebastian
- Too caught up in goals?
- Overload overload overload.
- So much internet!
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