I, um, work for this company...

Background: This week, Hyland Software got its 5000th customer. So they planned a party… for this Friday (tomorrow)…

Email I received: (And by “mini-bike” they mean those little motorcycles that are so small they look silly. Ever played “pocket mode” on Moto Racer? It’s that. Obv. these aren’t too powerful- they go like 15mph. But still. Here’s the email:)

The Hyland 5000 mini-bike races will be held tomorrow in the back parking lot. Each grouping will race to determine their representative in the finals. We grouped certain areas together to facilitate the race times and such. We will then have the semi-finals races to determine the top four for the final race.

This is a “race at your own risk” event. If you plan on racing, we recommend wearing pants. We have gloves and helmets for those who wish to race.

1st Prize - $500
2nd Prize - $250
3rd Prize - $100

The four finalists also get to take their mini-bike home with them. The others will be raffled off.

Here are the times for the departmental races:

12:00 - Diner & CEC
12:10 - Tech Support
12:30 - Development
1:00 - Sales, Latin American Sales
1:30 - Marketing
1:45 - IS, OnBase OnLine
2:00 - QA, Documentation
2:30 - HR, HSU
2:40 - Product Management, Education Services
2:55 - Operations
3:10 - Installations, Project Management
3:20 - PSG, Custom Solutions

Thanks and Good Luck!

Err… so my company, it’s a Dilbertesque cube farm, but it’s, uh, evidently an awesome Dilbertesque cube farm.

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