My scanner is not goddamn functional.

I have a drawing.  Pencil on paper.  I would like to scan it and have an image of any format that looks kind of like the drawing, and is emailable.

Try 1:
Press “scan” button.  Power is off.  Press power button.  Power remains off.  Hold power button.  Power remains off.  Unplug and replug, press power button, power turns on.  Press scan button.
Try 2:
HP Photosmart Studio opens, and then it opens HP Scan Pro, and scans in a picture that crops out the top and bottom 10% of the picture.
Try 3:
Scan again with HP Scan Pro, edit the selection boundary, try “save to file”, it’s 4mb.
Try 4:
Scan again with HP Scan Pro, edit the selection boundary, send it back to HP Photosmart Studio, it’s somehow been rotated about 30 degrees.
Try 5:
Same as try 4.  This time it’s not rotated.  Export.  (because I want to save it as a low-quality image.)  That asks me if I want to send it to HP something something, HP something else, Photoshop, Paintbrush, etc.
Try 6:
“Save As”, instead.  There’s no dial for image quality.  Oh well, let’s try png.  700kb.  Meh.
Try 7:
Let’s try jpg.  Still 700kb.
Try 8:
Let’s try something els– whoops, HP Photosmart Studio is frozen, and my computer’s fan is spinning like crazy.  I’ll wait for it to quiet down.
(wait a long time)
Dock force quit.
Dock force quit.
Dock force quit.
ps -A | grep “photosmart”
ps -A | grep “Photosmart”
kill 11810
Try 9: email a goddamn 700kb jpg.

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